Sunday 19 May 2019


This has been a very busy time for me curating the FPM exhibition 'Music in Malta from Prehistory to Vinyl.' You are still in time to visit up until the 16th June 2019, so don't miss it!
The exhibition looks at the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo situated right at the crossroads of all the movement, trade and cultural exchanges taking place from earliest of times and throughout their history. The Islands were absorbing influences from north and south, east and west, from the different cultures and religions surrounding and dominating them.
Here is just one of Malta's folk instruments - the hornpipe -  that shows influences/similarities with North Africa.

LEFT - Maltese Qrajna or Saqqafa b'wahda
Arundo donax (qasab) down-cut single reed (bedbut)
Arundo donax pipe (qima) with 5 fingerholes
serrated bull horn (qarn)

RIGHT - Tunisian Zukra/Maqrouna
 Arundo donax down-cut single reed
Arundo donax pipe with 5 fingerholes 

F'dan l-instrument maghruf hawn Malta bhala 'Qrajna' jew 'Saqqafa b'wahda' naraw l-importanza li tinghata lill-qarn. F'xi bnadi tal-Afrika ta' Fuq insibu l-istess emfasi fuq il-qarn,  fejn l-istrument jissejjah 'Maqrouna'. Il-partijiet tal-qasab donnhom mizjudin mal-qarn u mhux il-kuntrarju.

 Il-qarn jitqies protettiv, mhux hawn Malta biss, imma f'hafna inhawi. Hawn Malta nafu kemm missirijietna kienu jemmnu fil-protezzjoni mill-ghajn. Il-qarn - jew par qrun -  kellhom is-setgha li jwarrbu jew ixejjnu kull hazen u periklu. Dan il-hsieb konness mal-qarn johodna lura sew fiz-zmien. Insibuh, per ezempju, fil-kult ta' Cybele fil-Grecja u n-naha tat-Turkija fiz-zmien ta' qabel Kristu.