

2002. A Musical Legacy: Malta-related music found in foreign libraries, (Malta: The author)
168 p.
ISBN  9993201839

2007.  Daqq, Għana u Żfin Malti. (Malta: PEG Ltd.) 1st Prize in Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2007

2014. Musical Instruments of the Maltese Islands: History, Folkways and Traditions
(Malta: Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti).
Hardbound. 291p. with 249 illustrations (Colour and Black & White)
ISBN  9 789990 931839

 Book Reviews:

Dr Philip Ciantar, Times of Malta    http://www.

Jeremy Montagu. The Galpin Society Journal; Oxford, Vol. 69, (April 2016): 256-257. 

2024. "Music lessons with the Augustinian Padre Giuseppe Spiteri Fremond (1804-1878)"
2022. Musical Culture and the chitarraro Mattheo Morales in seventeenth-century Malta 
(Malta: Midsea Books)
Hardbound, 344 pages with illustrations, tables
ISBN: 978-99932-7-869-6

Review by Dr Franco Bruni:

2022. 'Charitas, Charitas' - The Confraternity of Charity in Seventeenth-Century Valletta
(Malta: Konfraternita tal B.V.M. tal-Karita)
109 pages, colour photos, 2 Appendices
ISBN: 978-9918-0-0324-2


2009. Whistles: From Ritual to Toys
Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum, (Malta) Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti

2019. Music in Malta : From Prehistory to Vinyl ed. Giovanni Bonello and Anna Borg Cardona,
(Malta: Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti)
Hardbound, 280 pp. Fully illustrated.

Anna Borg Cardona 'The Soundscape of an Island: Prehistory and the Power of Sound' pp.3-15
Anna Borg Cardona 'Stringed Instrument Makers in Seventeenth-Century Malta' pp. 49-63


1996. ‘Ir-rabbaba f’Għawdex illum’ (The friction drum in Gozo today)  L-Imnara no. 20, pp. 65-69

1997.  Tal-Grixti - A family of żaqq and tanbur musicians’  L-Imnara no. 21, pp. 91-104

1998. ‘Some 19th century street cries’ L-Imnara no. 22. pp. 4-11

1999. ‘The Maltese Bagpipe and Tambourine – 19th century iconography’ Treasures of Malta 15, vol.V no 3 (Summer) pp.57-63

2000. ‘Celestial Music for the Virgin – a 16th century painting of the Assumption’ Treasures of Malta 18, vol. VI no 3 (Summer) pp. 21-24

2000. ‘Doqq ja bedbut doqq’ L-Imnara no. 24, pp. 92-100

2001. ‘Sights and sounds of 19th century Valletta Treasures of Malta 21, vol. VII no. 3 (Summer) pp.67-71

2002. ‘The Maltese Friction Drum’ Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, vol. XXVII, pp.174-210 

2002. ‘Grinding Judas’ Bones’ [Clappers and ratchets during Holy Week] Treasures of Malta 24, vol. VIII no. 3 (Summer) pp.15-20

2002. ‘The Ċuqlajta during Holy Week’ L-Imnara no. 26, pp. 6-16

2002/2003. ‘The Lyre player in Roman Malta’ Malta Archaeological Review,
Issue 6. pp. 47-51

2003. ‘16th century Dances and Masquerades’ Treasures of Malta 28, vol. X no 1 (Christmas) pp.19-23

2003. ‘Tliet għanjiet antiki Maltin’ [Three old quatrains] L-Imnara no. 27, pp. 72-75

2005.  ‘Making the Maltese żaqq bag’ Chanter, Journal of the Bagpipe Society, UK. (Winter) pp.22-28

2005. ‘Early 19th century hymns for Maltese Protestants’ Treasures of Malta 33, vol. XI no. 3 (Summer)
[Please email me for this one]

2007. F. Brocktorff’s studies in the art of drawing
Treasures of Malta 38, vol. 13 no. 2  (Easter) pp.32-36

2008. ‘The World of Whistles’ Treasures of Malta 43, vol. 15 no.1(Christmas) pp. 58-61

2009. 'Whistles from ritual to Toys' AMIS Newsletter vol. 38 no 1, p.12.

2009.  'Whistles from ritual to Toys' AMIS Newsletter vol. 38 no 2, p.13-14.

2010.  La Sfessania ‘Quel ballo a la Maltese’’ Treasures of Malta 47, vol. 16 no.2 (Easter) pp.8-15

2011. ‘L-Ghanjiet Maltin li ġabar Alberto Favara’ [The Maltese songs collected by Alberto Favara] Il-Malti ħarġa LXXXII pp. 26-36

2012. 'Of barbers, barber-surgeons ....and a Maltese canzonetta ' Treasures of Malta 53, vol. 18 no.2 (Easter) pp.21-28

2013. 'The Marine Shell in and around the Maltese Islands' The Galpin Society Journal vol. LXVI pp.185-200.

2014. 'Carnival and the power of sound' Treasures of Malta 59, vol. 20 no.2 (Easter) pp.44-49.

2014. 'Exploring Possibilities of Sound Instruments in Prehistory from a Maltese perspective' Archaeoacoustics: The Archaeology of Sound. Publication of the 2014 Conference in Malta. OTSF Foundation, pp.79-85.

2014. 'Malta's Importation and Sale of Musical Instruments and Musical Goods, 1800-1900'  in A Timeless Gentleman. Festschrift in honour of Maurice Degiorgio. Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti,  pp.397-409.

2014. 'Instruments in Istanbul' - SOUNDINGS Music at Southampton.

2015. 'Pianos on the High Seas' - SOUNDINGS Music at Southampton.

2015. 'The Carnival Battitu or Parata in the eighteenth century,' Treasures of Malta 62, vol. 21 no. 2 (Easter) pp.20-26.

2015. 'Sounds of War and the Exotic alla turca,' Treasures of Malta 63, vol. 21 no. 3 (Summer) pp.36-43. 

2016. 'Lady Flora Rawdon-Hastings and her Malta music portfolio,Treasures of Malta 65, vol. 22 no. 2 (Easter). pp.41-47.

2017. 'The Magic of Rattles,' Treasures of Malta 68, vol. 23 no. 2 (Easter) pp.49-54.

2017. 'The Maltese National Country Dance,' Treasures of Malta 69, vol. 23 no. 3 (Summer) pp.86-89.

2018. 'The Jesuits in Seventeenth-century Valletta: Their music and Musicians' in Humillima Civitas Vallettae - From Mount Xebb-er ras to European Capital of Culture  (Heritage Malta, Malta Libraries) pp.224-237.

2019. 'Id-Donazzjoni ta' Schlienz lill-British Library fl-1837',  Fuq il Passi ta' Vassalli, ed. Joseph P. Borg, (Malta: Klabb Kotba Maltin, Akkademja tal-Malti) pp.237-256.

2019. 'It-Tradizzjoni tal-għana u d-daqq ta' strumenti fix-xogħlijiet ta' Juann Mamo' in The Examined Life - Writings in honour of Guido Lanfranco (Malta: Midsea Books Ltd) pp.67-73.

2020. 'A Nineteenth-Century Maltese Bagpipe in the Metropolitan Museum Collection'  Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society (AMIS) ed. James B. Kopp, vol. XLVI, pp.78-98.

2020. 'Mdina's Seventeenth-Century Processions with Accompanying Music: the spinetta, regaletto and organetto' Melita Historica ed. David Mallia, vol. XVII No 4 (2019) pp.11-23.

2021. 'The Oratory of the Confraternity of Charity, a gem by Francesco Buonamici - the pioneer of baroque architecture in Malta' The Sunday Times of Malta, 28 March 2021, p.29
The oratory of the Confraternity of Charity (

2022. "L'Orchestra Bellini (1905-1942) u l-istrumenti marbutin magħha" in Soċjeta Filarmonika Lourdes, Qrendi, AD 1895, Festa 2022, (2022) p.40-47.

2023. "Id daqqaqa Maltin ta' qabel il-Baned tas-Seklu Dsatax" in Għaqda Każin Banda San Filep [Zebbuġ], Festa 2023, (2023) p.143-145.

2024. "Music lessons with the Augustinian Padre Giuseppe Spiteri Fremond (1804-1878)" in Scienzae et Patriae - Festschrift in honour of Maroma Camilleri eds. Gabriel Farrugia and Theresa Vella (Malta: Malta Libraries) 277-289.

INTERVIEWS, Newspaper & Newsletter articles

1999. ‘Għana from the cradle to the grave…and beyond’ Appreciation - Zaren Mifsud Ta' Vestru, The Times Thursday May 27. pp. 23-24

2004. ‘Last of the Maltese bagpipers of old’ The Galpin Society, Newsletter 10, pp. 5-6

2007. Understanding our Culture. Interview by Maria Giuliana Fenech, The Malta Independent, September.

2007. Educating children on Musical traditions - Stephanie Psaila re Daqq, Għana u Żfin Malti

2009. Whistles Exhibition
Follow link to illustrated essay: 'Whistles from Ritual to Toys')
2010. Melitensia: Tezori ta' Publikazzjonijiet Maltin. Program 15.
Campus FM. Dr William Zammit talks with Anna Borg Cardona.

2016. Traditional Maltese Instruments: a thing of the past?

2022. Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti Podcast:

CONFERENCES, Projects, Seminars

‘Evidence of Ancient Ritual in Malta’s Musical Instruments’ Proceedings of the First International Conference of the SIEF Working Group on The Ritual Year, 2005. Ed. George Mifsud-Chircop (Malta, PEG Ltd) 33-44

2006. SMART Progetto. Sicilia del Sud-Est – Malta. Radici comuni e tradizioni popolari religiosi
‘La Conchiglia Marina nel Mediterraneo’ (unpublished)
'Il-Bronja - La Conchiglia Marina delle Isole Maltesi' (unpublished). Improved and updated version published in English in Galpin Society Journal, LXVI (2013), pp.185-200.

2006. Seminar tal-AKKADEMJA TAL-MALTI.
‘L-Ghanjiet Maltin li gabar Alberto Favara’  [Maltese folk songs collected by Alberto Favara] Il-Malti LXXXII (2011): 26-36

2008. The MERCATOR Project. Intangible Maritime Cultural Heritage.
‘The Sea in the Music of an Island People’ (unpublished)

2013. THE GALPIN SOCIETY / CIMCIM Conference, Oxford, 25th-29th July:
Musical Instruments - History, Science and Culture.
'Malta's importation and sale of musical instruments and musical goods 1800-1900.'     Published in A Timeless Gentleman, Festschrift in honour of Maurice de Giorgio, Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti (2014):397-409.

2013. KONFERENZA JUANN MAMO, Dipartiment tal-Malti, L-Università ta' Malta, 26 Ottubru:
'It-tradizzjoni tal-għana u d-daqq ta' strumenti fix-xogħlijiet ta' Juann Mamo'.

2014. ARCHAEOACOUSTICS International Conference, Malta 19-22 Feb. 2014
'Exploring possibilities of Sound Instruments in Prehistory from a Maltese perspective'.

'Musicians on the Maltese Islands prior to the Establishment of the Mid-Nineteenth Century Bands' published in Festi San Gorg 2016. Il-Belt Victoria, Ghawdex, Nru 42, pp.64-66.

PUBLIC LECTURES, lecture/recitals

2005.  [Maltese]  Protestant Hymns
recorded and webcast on Campus FM
scroll down and click on 'Protestant Hymns'

2012. Grinding Judas’ Bones – clappers and ratchets of Holy Week
Scroll down to Week 13


2003.  Malta’s musical legacy. Ġukulari Ensemble

2005.  Doqqli Daqqa! (Play me a tune!). Ġukulari Ensemble

EDITING of 17th century music manuscripts – deposited in Mdina Cathedral Archives.

1996.  Anon. Lauda Jerusalem - 8 voices, organ.  A.C.M. Mus, ms.146
1997.  Anon. [attributed to Giuseppe Balzano] Det Tuba - motet for St Xaverius - 8 voices, 2 violins, basso di viola,    organ.  A.C.M. Mus. ms.161
1998.  Anon. Magnificat - 5 voices, 2 violins, organ. A.C.M. Mus. ms.132