Thursday 20 October 2011

Nozze d'Argento

GM.LBC.01(14)  Nozze d'Argento Polka Elegante Op. 224
                            Omaggio alla Loro Maesta
                            Il Re e la Regina d'Italia
                            Ernesto Becucci [1845-1905]
                            Edizioni G. Venturini, Firenze-Roma
                            s.d. [c.1893]
                            artist ?

This music commemorates a particular event in history - the Silver Wedding celebrations in Rome of Umberto I & Margherita di Savoia in 1893. Regina Margherita was well renowned for her promotion of Culture and the Arts in Italy. This cover relies on simplicity and grace in its beautifully-decorated capitals highlighted in silver and gold and harking back to the illustration of manuscripts. The white cross on red background is the emblem of the House of Savoia which ruled unified Italy from 1861 to the end of WW II. This pleasant Polka and Trio is of moderate difficulty, the sort of music that Becucci made such a huge success of in the salons of the day.